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A spoken English Course helps you become fluent in speaking, increases your confidence, and enhances communication skills in English overall. For illustration purposes, this is what some of these courses will summarily cover:

Course Objectives:


  • Listening Enhancement: Develop your capability to listen, interpret, and understand English spoken in different scenarios;
  • Have Conversations: Learn how to talk with people but BECOME more agreeable, MORE disagreeing, and feel FREE TO ask for someone’s CONFIRMATION.
  • Isolate Conversation Strategies: Learn basic subskills that make conversations function, such as turn-taking and following up.
  • Public speaking and presenting: Practice doing presentations to groups
  • Self-Evaluation: In the English and Spanish section, you will be able to measure your progress in a variety of exercises that contribute articles back.
  • Course Components
  • Hearing Logs: Daily routines to raise paying attention ability
  • Group meeting: Join the conversation and talk to anyone.
  • Speeches: Structure and deliver speeches to develop confidence in speaking.
  • Role Play – participate in role-play scenarios that represent actual conversations.
  • FeedbackSessions: Get criticism from instructors and peers as this can help you to improve in the future. 
  •  Materials and Resources 
  •  Course Materials: Can be given during lectures as well as can be posted on the internet for students to access. 
  •  Dictionaries: Essentially advised to reference language learner’s dictionaries, such as Longman or Merriam-Webster for pronunciation and/or vocabulary. 
  •  Assignments and Grading 
  •  Conversation Analysis: Record and analyze the samples used in conversation to understand conversational patterns. 
  •  Surveys and Presentations: Carry out sample polls and give results to apply the use of speaking and information arrangement.

Course Details:-

Course price: 17,000

Duration and frequency: 2 month

Certificate: Traning certificate will be provided